Monday, 12 August 2013

Rab Rakha (chapter XX)

Rab- “You are my breath…”
Rakha- “You are my soul…”

                     “Will you marry me Rakha, let’s take the pheras right now, and let’s get married?” I did not know how to react; it was probably the most difficult situation of my life since my heart and my head were in never ending quarrel with each other. Rab I understand and respect your love, but would you understand me for a moment? I did not know how I was supposed to feel, my heart wanted to live the moment to the fullest and do everything that I really wanted to, even get married to Rab which would have required me break the trust of my God like parents. But my mind was pulling me back, scared of the consequences and how selfish I would have become by taking that step. Since the time I had met him, since three months now, my mind and my heart were never together even for a single day. That was one reason why Rab used to feel I was always lost and I was always in some other world. I wanted to do everything he wanted to, but my mind used to pull me back and I had infinite fears and duties to look after in my life. I was not happy; my soul was very depressed, all these moments and this phase would be a short lived time in my life.  It was the biggest defeat of your soul who knew in advance that its dreams would be shattered soon. Had anybody seen his dream getting destroyed right in front of him? I had, I was seeing my dream right in front of me and I knew it in advance that he would always be my dream and nothing more than that. We took four parikramas around the gurudwara, which were like four pheras for me…. I did not have the guts to proceed further…..!

                        Mentally and emotionally exhausted, we sat near the pool which was surrounding the gurudwara. The black water was said to have some magic in it, the pilgrim was immersed in the pool was a symbol of cleansing of the soul. So my fish, my Rab went where he belonged to, he quickly dived himself into the pool and he looked pure as ever. I had never seen someone look so free of fault before. Rab was a pure soul himself, but he was constantly in a war with his mind, he had this misconception that he was the cruelest human alive. He had no trust in his good deeds and he portrayed his false bad boy image to the world, but deep inside his heart he knew he was a God’s child. Like me he was a believer and a follower of God. Even if mentally we were apart, emotionally we were like mirrors to each other. When he had got done with the bathing, I gave him a hundred rupee note as a lady luck and with that I had passed him all my good luck and lucky charm which I prayed would always be with him even if I was not. He refused at once, he refused for everything I wanted to do for him, and he was very emotional that time, though he was physically present with me, but emotionally he had gone into his protective shell. I couldn’t go inside the water, I was full of guilt and even a hundred good deeds would have not made up for what sin I was doing to my Rab’s sinless soul. I could feel his pain, I could see his invisible tears and just like him I had gone inside my shell.

                               Dear God,
           If you listening to me, please see me through my heart. I’m truly and madly in love with a very precious soul of yours for whom I had waited for long twenty four years of my life. To get separated from him would be like being separated from my life. If he could take me to such an auspicious place and get me closer to you, he can’t be bad for me and my life. You know it of all, God how much I love him and how badly I need and want him. If you think I would deserve my love, I would be thankful to you all the time, for he is my last wish ever. Or else give him all my happiness and give me all his pain. We are Rab and Rakha for the world, God you can do anything and everything, please do some magic and make us RabRakha.

Rab Rakha will be available on flipkart and infibeam for the people living in India and on for  the people living outside India. 

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